Friday, 20 March 2009


Everyone seems to have continued studiying.. well.. if you ask me, I have signed up to take SAT and TOEFL and also registered for Liberty University... well.. I need to study for the test and pray.. if it is indeed God's will then I will enter Liberty but if not then I will study here. Please pray for me, I need help in all these things. Not to mention also in SAT Mathematics... Joel, pls help me =)? Well.. if you can give any advice to me I will accept it thankfully and pls do pray for me.


Thursday, 12 March 2009


Shalom! Peace be with you all! and...
I'm back =)

Well... long time have left this blog undone and well... I just want to post a summary of what I have been thru in PLKN or NS. Well... arriving at the start of 2 Jan which was a fault for me to report late, many thoughts were in my mind. Some were of the camp facilities, some were of what would happen, some were on whether the rumours of PLKN were true(e.g rape, homo, robbery...). Well... I arrived and it blew my mind... the camp was huge and ur... well... it looks nice. Having mixed feelings of excitement and anxiousness, I went to report myself. After all the reporting, I got my uniform and other clothing and a place in dorm Block 10. After that began the connection and the recognizing of people. I met many people and got to know them. Oh... forgot to mention my Company which is the Delta Company. From that day onwards I began to fit myself in. It was not as hard as I thought it would be.
As the weeks grew, the hard training began. We all had to run jump and do anything to finish a job. I presented the acronym of Delta (or was it Cobra...?). Well... as the days passed I learnt many things (e.g: origin of flying fox, survival in forest, theory of shooting and M16, character building which was like kindy class, kelas kenegaraan, community service and social service, obstacle course, kelas kerohanian...). There, I must tell you this that only Jesus was my best friend. I longed and desired that there I could find one who is of the same faith with me and would encourage me in God's word... someone that I could learn from as an ensample. But in PLKN Jesus showed me what a best friend He is. He was always beside me no matter where I am. When I was lonely, He encouraged me. When I was sad, He comforted me. When I was sick, He was beside me healing me slowly. Oh... how can I ever say thanks to Him. I feel in debt. Therefore, I will give Him my life as a living sacrifice hoping that it would please Him every moment! I even longed that Jesus be in flesh to be a concrete friend whom I can hug and well... do things together. But I know deep down in me that He is beside me wherever I go.
I also saw the life of the people there... quite simple from us city folks. But me eyes were not off my brethren... for they were not like Christians but their lives were like Goyim(Gentiles). I wept for them oft and even if I have the chance, I would! Oh... their ways... their tongue... their actions... How I pray that they would not die in God's anger. But thru that sadness Jesus taught me to pray for them, to accept them, to live as an example for Him. Oh, I pray that the Holy Spirit will touch them and set them on fire for Jesus! It is weird lor.. the goyim live more moral lives compared to them... but in all that the main issue that Jesus dealt with me was to accept them as He accepted me.
I met also the bumiputera of Sarawak. They are very cute! most of them are Roman Catholics and well... I too pray that they be on the right path. How I wish I had pics of them. I met Justin Bunyau who was an excellent dancer... Lawrence Jaya whom I did my best to encourage Him to walk the right path. Paul Labar Ingan whom at the last week I found to have the desire for Christ and in whom I rejoice too! Well... must keep praying for them also! I got to know Sibu Jaya Baptist Church in which I believe that Cheras Baptist Church will make good ties with them in the future =) Hope to see them next year (even Cikgu Ringgit =))
Well... came the last night called Malam Perpisahan(Separation Night). We exchanged contacts and said goodbyes with teachers and friends... we miss one another until we did not sleep for the whole night till the morning when the KL trainees must leave dorm at 0430. Well... I cried from the 11th of march 0100 hours and paused somewhere at 0300 and continued again at 0430 even at 0700++ when the plane was taxiing I started crying plus when I saw the message my friend gave me plus the messaged written in my notebook... It is indeed a thousand of old feelings. My tears that fall is not just I miss them but also its like you know that you have a tie with them but... is it going to last? Is it just going to be another memory preserved like a dream last night? I told myself and others if we meet not here then before the face of God... but that is another story altogether. You just worry whether you still have the chance to meet them on Ha Aretz or in Heaven or worse.... will you see them suffer in Hell... well... those are the questions that arose before and on that night. I wept and prayed that they will be blessd that their eyes be opened to see the true path and that they may run on it and in the end meet Jesus. Oh that the Christians become salt and light of the earth! The harvest is ready! sigh...
Well... today is 12 March and to tell you the truth... I still have mixed feelings which may tie me down and well... on 11 March as I talked to my piano teacher about my feelings and emotions... my tears start to stream down...

Well to all the PLKN friends who I know and know my blog... Harap Yesus berkat mu. Sentiasa berdoalah and percaya kpdNya selalu! Jangan putus asa tetapi dalam apa-apa yang kamu lakukan, buatlah dengan sesungguh hatimu sebagai suatu persembahan kepada Yesus! Jangan risau dalam apa-apa perkara tetapi panjat semua risau dan bimbangmu dalam doa kepada Yesus serta percaya teguh bahawa Dia di sisimu selalu! Hiduplah kehidupan yang baru dan bebas dalam YEsus dan jangan sesekali balik kepada kehidupan lamamu dalam tubuh badanmu!
Saya mencadang kamu baca ini dalam kitabmu (Ephesians 4; Rom 6-8,12; 2Korintus5; Matt24-25; Mark 13; Phillipians 4:4-8; 1 Timothy 4:12)
Bacalah dan yang paling penting, faham Jako Tuhan! Berdoa and percaya Roh Kudus akan bantu anda memahami Jako Tuhan. Selepas anda faham, pergi dan melaksanakannya! Harap anda menjadi cahaya dan garam bumi. Well... harap kita dapat berjumpa lagi jika tidak di bumi ini, haraplah di depan Muka Tuhan serta (dgn setinggi harapku) di syurga. =)

Love you people from PLKN Kem Junaco Park Sibu. Will be praying for you and hope you shine for Christ! God bless you guys abundantly!