Monday, 16 May 2011

To all my friends...

I met you since primary and secondary...

The years have passed so fast that I can't remember all that happened.
I met only a few of you... my mind was then blur... i did not know how to appreciate you.

I met you with a wall of hostility in my mind.
I did not talk with you nor played with you.
I did not get to know you better.

All my days just passed like a shadow...
And now when I meet you again, I feel excited and startled at the same time, longing to spend more time with you.
But I also feel sad because I am not a good friend and have not been a friend who really cared for you.
Please forgive me for my faults.

I will continue to pray for you.
Hope you would be able to meet Jesus in your life and be changed!

God bless you richly in Messiah!