Friday 20 March 2009


Everyone seems to have continued studiying.. well.. if you ask me, I have signed up to take SAT and TOEFL and also registered for Liberty University... well.. I need to study for the test and pray.. if it is indeed God's will then I will enter Liberty but if not then I will study here. Please pray for me, I need help in all these things. Not to mention also in SAT Mathematics... Joel, pls help me =)? Well.. if you can give any advice to me I will accept it thankfully and pls do pray for me.


1 comment:

Timothy Lewis said...

well, everyone except me. hehehe. Nice blog btw. nice to see that you had a great time in NS. Hope God continues to show His unfailing love in a awesome manner to you...

-timothy lewis
ps: continue spamming my blog bro!