Tuesday 21 April 2009

Day 2 April 6 2009
The alarm rang, I woke... prepared... yawned... and went with Yi Gang to the hall. He was the last but nvm la... what are friends for? So, Yi Gang spread his mat which I forgot to bring and had to share his with him. The session started with the blowing of the Shofar which was the first time I get to hear it live in Malaysia! The sound was great! Oh, the desire to be aligned with God, to feel the power of His anointing. Then we sang songs, worship God and after that, Pastor Zhang Hannah did the devotion with us. And then there were prophecies for different people, mostly pastors. She encouraged them and told them glad tidings =). After that we had breakfast and went back to our rooms. My friend Daniel from Hosanna Praise Tabernacle KL, slept... and well, I just decided to ponder on what was taught yesterday. As I taught on them, I was at peace and well, I was sleepy mainly because I did not get enough sleep last night and partially because evryone around me was asleep! Oh well, I just gave in. After that, we had the next session which is about prayer with full faith. I heard and was amazed by what was taught. He was teaching until it was time for lunch but he did not finish and we cried nevermind about lunch... haha! Then there was a session where he prayed for healing different persons. The first was those who had ached at the back. Then came my catergory, people with eye problems and specs... haha! Well, after all was prayed for, I was not healed on the spot but noticed that the place was brighter. I still trust God that He can heal me of my specs =) . BTW... many people were healed of their maladies and even a pastor who had astigmatism was totally healed and had perfect eyesight! Anyways, after lunch, I wanted to stay there to pray... thanks to audio people, I could not reli concentrate so, I walked around the hall and then I saw Pastor Qiu(pastor for PJEFC Chinese congregation) and friends. I walked to her and followed her selecting books for the church library. She recomended me some books but I just read a few pages and put them aside... I didn't dare to use the RM50 which I have not tithe it and well, the books were like all old chinese characters... Well, save it for another day la... haha! Then, when all the audio people were done, I went back to the hall and I just prayed there. It was a few moments before the next session starts. I prayed and then, I cried. Cried for my brother, my church, my family. Pray that God will bring revival to them! The session was on Forgiveness. I heard the message and it was so real that one lady in front of me knelt down before the message was finished and wept! Then, there was a session that people be prayed for in order that they will be free from hatred and any supressed emotions. I went in front and prayed. I followed the steps confessing and repenting of all the evil things supressed in my heart; telling God that I forgive all those who bullied me and cursed me and backbitten me from my primary school to my secondary school and even my family and asking God to forgive each of them. As I was praying pastors laid hands and prayed for me. I then felt my legs become weak and I lied down... I cried like a baby and I felt that anointing.. that one drop of oil and the covering of Jesus blood. Oh! How beautiful! I surrendered to God and then, I arose and went back. Yi Gang hugged me and I prayed for him. Oh.... the love of Jesus! I continued to pray for them(people in the hall who were struggling) and reading God's word. It was refreshing indeed! After dinner, we continued the next session. It was on the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. After the sermon, everyone was praying and worshipping God so that the Holy Spirit us and use us. I received peace even though Holy Spirit did not cause me to laugh or gave me gifts of the Spirit. Maybe I was not ready to receive what the Holy Spirit wants to give me. Well, we retired and awaited for the next morning. =) Praise God for His mighty acts!


Lydia said...

ever heard of being slain in the Spirit, Shan Berg? Do read up the Biblical context of it first before indulging in its activities, lest we don't know where these supernatural powers come from. For your own spiritual life's sake.

Liew Shan Berg said...

it is not explicitly stated in the scriptures and it is also very hard to explain but I know deeply that it is from the Holy Spirit. It was this form(not the only form) which the Holy Spirit ministers that liberates some people with bitterness in hearts.