Tuesday, 27 December 2011

28 Dec 2011 0133hours Reminiscing

I'm in Aberystwyth now... in my room... looking at the photos which were on facebook...
I noticed the changes
The years have passed so fast...
The pattern of this world changeth
The shadow of time steals away...
I looked at them... I felt different emotions... of joy, of love, of anger, of doubt...
Some seemed more cherishable, others seemed less.

Why did I harbor hatred, jelousy, anger, sadness, envy against Thine bride which Thou hast purchased with Thy blood?
Why was it so hard for me all those while to have heard your truth but not act it out in love and kindness, practicing mercy and doing justice?
I was so zealous for Thy house and for Thy people!
I was made use of... I offered myself to be made use of...
I felt dry then, I was desperate for Thee o God!

Why? Maybe it was because I ventured to please men and not Thee my God...

Was it worth so much the toil?
Was it worth so much the hypocrisy?

LORD, to Thee and Thee alone do I confess these sins...
I repent of these of which Thou hatest!
I pray Thee O LORD, pardon me of my sins...
Wash me in the blood of Thy Son, Jesus our Messiah!

LORD, I pray Thee, fill me with Thy Spirit.
Saturate me with Thy Word!
Let me live a life pleasing unto Thee...

I thank Thee for Thou hast taught me here
that Thou art no respecter of persons
Thou O God, shewest mercy, kindness and grace unto the many who fear Thy Name!
Thou O God, exalteth the humble and cause the proud to be lowly!
O God, blessed art Thou for Thy graces and mercies unto me...

LORD, the memories I have of the years past
I give them to Thee
Pleasant or torturing, I lay them at Thy feet
Thou art the bright and morning star
Help me not to turn back
Keep mine eyes focused on Thy face, Lord Jesus,
I want to see Your face!

LORD, bless all those who call on Thy name
Answer them in the morning with Thy lovingkindess
Bless them O God, that they may prosper at Thy will
Bless them O God, that they may become like Thee
Bless those O God who knoweth not Thy Name
Bless them that they might know the fear of the LORD.

Blessed art Thou O God!
Perfect me in Thy love
Form and shape me into the image of Thy Son
Cause me to become like Him, imitating Him
That is the only goal in my life O God!
What else do I have?
What other goal is there worth pursuing but Thee and Thy presence?
More of Thee O GOD! Mayest Thou increase and I decrease! Increase Thy rule in me O God!

Blessed art Thou o God!
There is no other like unto Thee o God!
May my life be an acceptable offering unto Thee of God!

Sunday, 27 November 2011


我不了解。。 我不明白。。
求你使我明白,哦主!求你查验我的心, 哦主!

有时在这些时刻。。 我十分的渴慕更任何人说话。。。

主啊, 你知道我还爱你。。。
主啊!恳求你帮助我。。。 恳求你使我每分每秒,每一个时刻,
无论在什么情况下, 都专注在你身上!




Tuesday, 1 November 2011


O my Jesus,

I was in a lecture this afternoon on Criminal Law and it was on murder.

O my Jesus,

I lift my troubled heart into your hands. I lift those children who were not yet born and regarded under the law as not being a human being into your hands and were further denied the right to continue living so as to face the realities of this world. It may be that they were more fortunate not to have been born into this corrupt world in which You allow us to live. I believe that You have received them into Your Hands and that they are being taken care of by Your angels and can see You clearly without any hindrance and can meet You.

I lift those who were guilty of murder and yet acquitted for their guilt. I hate the evil they do. Please have mercy on them and save them. Send Your messengers to them that they may hear Your good news! May they repent and turn back to You.

I lift the judges who gave the judgement in the Royal Courts of England. I ask that You would have mercy and change them to give just and right judgements. I ask that You would reform them.

I know that we live in a fallen world. I know that you allow me to hear all these things to let me not be comfortable in my current circumstances or in this world.

Please grant to Your eved of whom You purchased by Your blood which You have shed on Your cross to be able to present Your good news to others with boldness, even within the work of which I need to do. Let me be able to judge with right judgements, let me learn Your justice and Your righteousness.

O my Jesus, I lift all these madness of which I have heard into Your hands. My heart cries out for want of justice!! Oh, how fallen we are... I commit these into Your hands now. I believe that You will come back to judge the living and the dead for all that they have done in this body and in this life.

Thank You Jesus! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 16 May 2011

To all my friends...

I met you since primary and secondary...

The years have passed so fast that I can't remember all that happened.
I met only a few of you... my mind was then blur... i did not know how to appreciate you.

I met you with a wall of hostility in my mind.
I did not talk with you nor played with you.
I did not get to know you better.

All my days just passed like a shadow...
And now when I meet you again, I feel excited and startled at the same time, longing to spend more time with you.
But I also feel sad because I am not a good friend and have not been a friend who really cared for you.
Please forgive me for my faults.

I will continue to pray for you.
Hope you would be able to meet Jesus in your life and be changed!

God bless you richly in Messiah!