Tuesday 24 November 2009

24 November 2009 VBS Deco Progress

Praise God we've just started VBS deco... At least today was better than yesterday!
Yesterday I tell you ar.... only 1 person and that is me!! I tell you... make me sad only... just that I dun wanna say la later somebody get sad and emo..

Well.. today, only me, Crystal, Sarah, Carmen and Phoebe came and PRAISE GOD that the logo for the worship rally stage was completed 80 percent!

I reli have to thank the 4 girls and also Madam Mun Wai for helping me get the giant cardboard boxes.

I dunno la... honestly, I think I'm the one to blame?
or maybe next time I NEVER help in such a field again?

sigh... I have to be honest la... its quite frustrating? I dunno why but I feel that the people responsible for their classes and stations should confer with those who are able to come and decorate to decorate? I dunno la... I just feel that they are responsible for their stations?? Well... I can't blame anyone la.. maybe it is all my fault...
Even if they came early, the cardboard cannot come when they came and then I would become emotional again because I cannot do anything neither can anyone else?

Sigh... well.. come to think of it.. its good to learn from such a thing... I also can't blame anyone else because they are away on some unprecedented thing and cannot come or they are working and studying.

Actually, the main thing I'm struggling within myself is the thing of asking...
I mean, when you want to ask someone, you have to understand what the person feels, or what he or she is going through... you can't just ask like nobody's business!
It really hurts and does not show affection...
And also... I really have to learn to say no to somethings...
Sigh... I pray dear Holy Spirit.... Make me SUPER SENSITIVE TO YOU! I dun wanna be alone in doing these things! They are a heavy yoke to me! Help me dear Holy Spirit...

Saints, please pray for me that I would not have any bitter root trying to get into my heart..

Well, I hope that tomorrow more people would turn up to do the deco since the cardboard boxes are already here...

Until then
Peace be with y'all in Christ Jesus!

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