Thursday 26 November 2009

VBS deco progress

Praise God that today we have 8 people altogether! Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to thank God that I have finished the sign for the Worship Rally and Music opera house station ahahahhaahahahh!! I have decided to combine them together! hahahhahaah!
Well... also praise God that the train is up... hahah!

I reli want to thank Joanne for doing the train! it was so hard to cut cardboard with a blade you know?

sigh.... i still wonder where are those who are on holiday and have responsibility for their stations..

well, i hope tat before VBS evrything is done and completed..

thank you for praying dear saints!
do continue to pray for us! =)

until then, peace and blessings to all of you in Jesus Name!

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