Wednesday 25 November 2009

VBS Deco Progress

I have to praise God for the VBS deco coming on well. Today, we have 6 people with us and so far we have done logos for three stations which are Recreation Rock, Craft Crossing, and G'day Cafe. And praise God that we have officially completed the stage logo! WooHoo!!!

On a personal not however, I have to say that I was dissapointed on the number of people coming to decorate the place... Well, I cannot blame them. I feel that it is very rude to just ask someone out of the blue to come and decorate when they are not responsible at all and that those who are responsible of a station and have holidays cannot come! Well, I dun blame those who are working and studying that cannot come. I have decided to just let go of this worrying and give it to Jesus.

Actually just now, I almost spilled my frustration and anger... But thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our LORD JESUS CHRIST! The spirit of complaining, bitterness, grumbling, anger, hatred and bitterness have no right to settle in my heart. IN Jesus NAME leave me!!!

Well, my station is not decorated at all... I'm wondering how to make the train station sign with a Sydney opera House in the middle and label around it Worship Rally Central ^_^

Well, there goes the idea of a caboose... unless I make a flat piece out of cardboard... one whole caboose... thanks to AKLT camps, Wei Jian cannot come until next MONDAY! I'll have to ask his father to come...

Anyways, dear saints, please pray for us as we sow our energy and time and thoughts and even some money into this ministry... I pray that the harvest would be big. I believe that the harvest would be great!

OK la... I take nap now...

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